
Trailer of the film “Mười”.

As it's said to be the first horror film of Vietnam, but the director and narrative are almost Korean, Vietnam helps more in fund and narrative. Overall, this film could be the first horror film that Vietnam took part in making process.

Through the trailer, I can see that almost time period of the film is about 19th century when there are existence of ancient village or can be called “quê” because of the scene and effects that the film was applied: low saturation of color in costume, somewhere black and white.

The film also promotes the traditional long dress which was the main costume of Vietnam hundreds year ago. The trend of using long dresses and old scene in Vietnamese film is somehow successful in recent years. Going deeply into the tradition of a country often attracts viewers from all over the world and Vietnam is trying...

I believer one day, movies in Vietnam can compete in an international sector.

Below is its poster:


Environment Poster

Here are some of posters about environment problems, particularly global warming:

Nancy J. & Matt C., 2007, NRDClight1, University of Texas at Austin, Source
Nancy J. & Matt C., 2007, NRDClight2, University of Texas at Austin, Source
Nancy J. & Matt C., 2007, NRDClight3, University of Texas at Austin, Source

These are 3 posters I like most, their idea is original and pretty nice. The line is drawing quality but they are good enough for people to understand the concept the designers want to deliver. The first is the tree, second is the coral and last is mountain. If we turn off the light, as they illustrated by changing the background to black, the phrase “and reverse global warming” will appear at the same time with the improvement of tree, coral and tree on mountain (colorized by green–yellow). The improvement of nature is represented for good environment.

You can find more on www.adsoftheworld.com


Font identification

The font was used here is Adobe Caslon Pro and then I applied a little bit adjustment into particular single letters such as L and R, resizing some words like “THE”, “OF THE”, “ORD” and “INGS”. It makes me busy with the pen tool for a short time but effectively. However almost the time I spent is searching for the font on identifont.com. It takes a long time, indeed.

Overall, I have learned how to be patient and more important, be cautious with little details in a font.


The First Impression

Of course, it's very important. When you meet someone new who you want to keep in touch with them for business, for hanging out or even for any long-term relation, what you do in the first meet will affect your relationship.

Of course, it's the business card.

What makes a good business card? Of course, vary of elements.

1. Your information must be enough and clear to read.

2. Your card's size should not be too large or too small. "If your card doesn’t fit into a holder or wallet it’s not likely to be kept close-at-hand." (David A. , 2007). Generally, the suitable size for business card is 3.5 x 2 inches (8.8 x 5 cm) (printingforless.com, 2007)

3. Quality of paper that satisfies the holder's feeling is better. I found a business card of Poul Nielsen who is certified personal trainer and fitness consultant in Toronto, Canada in the website of Airey. It's unique, original, and...have enough information. Take a look at it:

It's not paper, it's rubber and when his clients want to see his contact information, they need to stretch out the card. David also said that it's unique, original but what happen if the client have one arm of miss a thumb out. In my opinion, the Poul's job is about fitness and health training so everyone who wants to practice by his services should at least be strong enough to do stretching a card. Overall, this element may depends on your career.

4. The design.
Basically, simple is mandatory because business card is not an art piece. However, a good design can catch the holder's attention and you'll have a point.
The appearance: "There's nothing worse than a flimsy card with faded printing that was cut out with scissors" (Mike V. , 2003)

The inside design is totally based on your job. An image worth thousands of words. The design will tell your holder who you are, what are you doing, almost people when look at the business card, they tend to value the owner's success. People often like the beauty, they love beauty and sometimes have a bad perspective to poor design so be caution!

Let's free your eyes from tons of word and come to our fantasy world:

See more here.


I choose those cards for example because they have some attractive points to me.

I was caught by its design. Bright (hot) colors rectangular is the first one I look at. There, I see the most important part: their name of company (a little bit hard recognition by the font) and address where to find them. Clearly!
The wave represents their job that is related to sound field.
I like the way they organize the layers of color. First, totally under layer is grey with radial gradient of white, its function is to highlight the hotly colorful design layer. Above the bright layer, again, black words are easy to read, easy to catch the eyes direction.

Romen design:
Different from IbAudio, this card is simple in design, just a circle which is made of hard red stroke and no fill, is their logo, I guess. Almost card content is their information such as name of company in black and red, their contact detail, and, I'm not sure, maybe their slogan: "Another point of view". From this direction of view (through photo), I can, but hardly, realize how they align the content, besides, they use the little four dots to make an bullet point, in red for address and in black for phone number.

The rest two card is less attractive for me than two up here. However, the Four season is original. When looking at this, I think that's Heineken's business card.

And I have no idea with Coquette Cafe's. A woman face in red and her smile which are made up by the drawing lines, may make holder think of good service with good waitress/waiter.


Poster review

This week I studied about Gestalt theory, which is about design principles and how Gestalt affects a product. We also looked at some posters and analyzed them in the concept of Gestalt. They are certainly not amateur designs in how the elements of design were used such as line, shape, color in term of Gestalt.

I came back home and looked at my first poster designed last semester for Softball as a stranger, and checked for any design concept in it.

First of all, the line here looks like photographic although all the graphics are shape. They are the traces of human body in photograph and colorized purposely.

The color used here are almost green and black, somewhere yellow and I see lack of hot color which is usually presented in almost things related to sport. Green somehow may show us the color of grass in stadium. Moreover, the zones that two color black and green in the poster occupied are equal to imply the fair and sport spirit. In my opinion, the author should use dark red or possibly hot color instead of black, the reason is that red and green are in complimentary and the combination of them will be considered a competition.

Final is Movement. The author has used a few methods to make the design dynamic. First is the duplication of the ball co-ordinated with resizing and blurring to point where the ball's from and where the ball is flying to. Second use is where "a human shape" is running and the club is being hit.


Logo research

I’m sure that you all know Unilever, which is a quite famous brand in Vietnam for the food, home care and personal care. They are a foreign company come to Vietnam for few years and very successful, but their business is not my business. I care for their logo:

It’s not as simple as almost companies’ logos. A letter “U” made of 25 icons representing Unilever and its brands.

The logo was made for 75th anniversary of Unilever with the idea of vitality and the benefits Unilever brings to customers. They say: “Our brands help people to look good, feel good and get more out of life”. So they present their slogan in a logo using 3 icons:

“The Heart represents love, care and health - feeling good”
“The Shirt represents fresh laundry - looking good”
“A bird is a symbol of freedom, relief from daily chores – getting more out of life”

Some of the rest 22 icons are to tell customers about their products…and I try:

...to guess.


Masking exercise

This is the blending and masking exercise that I have done in Electronic Image class. My mission is to make the bunch of images which were put together become one completed piece that makes sense and produces moods.

Here is my final "destination":

The technique is the combinations of using selection tools with layer masking, changing opacity, applying Gaussian Blur and also blending options for individual layer.

Actually, I have not practiced much about Photoshop yet so in the beginning I had met some problems such as masking the right part of image or how to make the edge blurry. However, I did after few hours doing this and seeing the guide in the pdf file.

After finish this exercise, I can learn how to use masking and blurring method to make two or more images into a perfect one.